
JAKARTA - After the raid on a drug nest in Kampung Bahari, Tanjung Priok Port Police Chief AKBP Putu Kholis Aryana said that the Metro Jaya Police Chief Inspector General Fadil Imran would expand the investigation to the surrounding area.

"As we all know, the Metro Jaya Police Chief and the North Jakarta Metro Police are currently focusing on managing Kampung Bahari to eliminate the stigma of a drug village," said AKBP Putu Kholis Aryana in a written statement, Monday, March 28.

Until now, Putu said, the Kampung Bahari area was closely guarded by the Directorate of Drugs at the Metro Jaya Police and the North Jakarta Metro Police after the raid on March 9, 2022. With the raids, continued Kholis, his party also anticipates changes in the pattern of narcotics circulation to areas bordering Tanjung Priok.

Kholis said, the Kampung Bahari settlement became the center of attention because the porters who had not been caught had the potential to run a drug business from outside Kampung Bahari.

"Therefore, we also conducted an investigation in Kampung Bahari and its surroundings, it turns out that their activities have shifted to other places," said Kholis.

As a result, the Muara Baru Regional Police managed to apprehend six people suspected of being traffickers in Kampung Bahari based on an investigation into an apartment in Kemayoran, Central Jakarta, on March 24, 2022.

The suspects arrested included the initials YEP (27), BTY (17), RS (19), MDS (20), PACL (30), and TEH (22).

Muara Baru Police Head AKP M Debby Tri Andrestian said 1,960 grams of crystal methamphetamine had been confiscated from the six suspects caught in the apartment.

According to the confessions of the suspects, their stock of methamphetamine was obtained from the West Java area and was about to be circulated to Kampung Bahari.

"So the goods were not from within Kampung Bahari, so they were brought from outside the city. At first they wanted to put them in Kampung Bahari, however, because Kampung Bahari was brought under control, they were eventually circulated through apartments," said Debby.

The six suspects have been taken to the Sunda Kelapa Police Headquarters for further investigation.

For his actions, the six drug suspects were charged with multiple layers of articles, namely article 114 paragraph 2 subsidiary article 112 paragraph 2 in conjunction with Article 132 paragraph 1 of Law number 35 of 2009 concerning Narcotics with a maximum penalty of 20 years in prison and a maximum fine of 10,000,000,000 plus a third. .

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