
JAKARTA - Member of Commission IX of the DPR, Saleh Partaonan Daulay, also regrets the permanent dismissal of dr. Terawan Agus Putranto from the membership of the Indonesian Doctors Association (IDI). Because according to him, dr. Terawan is one of the best doctors that Indonesia has. Saleh said, as a doctor and member of the TNI, many achievements have been made. It's not even an exaggeration to say that the RSPAD is one of the big hospitals with good quality thanks to Dr. Terawan's cold hands.

"I was really surprised by the decision. The congress should be used as a forum for consolidation and friendship in knitting unity. How come this is instead used as a forum for dismissals. Permanent again. Isn't this weird?," Saleh told VOI, Sunday, March 27.

Responding to this problem, the chairman of the PAN faction of the DPR asked the Ministry of Health to facilitate the IDI meeting with dr. Terawan. According to him, various outstanding issues and issues must be resolved through good dialogue, so that all problems can be resolved.

"There were several activities of Dr. Terawan that were questioned. For example, DSA and the archipelago vaccine. My family and I were direct patients of Dr. Terawan who tried both things. After being DSA, there was no problem. In fact, there was a feeling of relief and comfort. Likewise the archipelago vaccine. After being vaccinated, thank God there are no problems. So far, we are doing well," said Saleh.

"From my experience, I feel that there is no problem at all with Dr. Terawan. He works professionally. We were treated well. In fact, before DSA had to take a number of tests and consult with several other doctors," he continued.

Saleh said it was only in Indonesia that a professional doctor was fired. "Unmitigated, the one who was fired was a doctor with the rank of Lieutenant General and had led the RSPAD for many years. In fact, he had served as the Indonesian minister of health," he said.

The North Sumatran legislator said that this kind of dismissal certainly could not be tolerated. Because it could set a bad precedent in the future. It is feared, added Saleh, that the following dismissals will follow for various other reasons.

"How can I not? Even the former minister of health can be fired? What about the others. The minister of health, Budi Gunadi Sadikin, cannot remain silent. Please facilitate and reconcile this. It is definitely better for all," he said. Based on information circulating, Dr Terawan was fired due to treatment with the 'brainwashing' method using the Digital Subtraction Angiography (DSA) tool in the treatment of stroke and the Nusantara vaccine in the prevention of COVID-19. For that reason, the dismissal was read out at the 31st IDI Congress in Banda Aceh, Friday, March 25.

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