
JAKARTA - Chairman of Commission VII DPR RI, Sugeng Suparwoto, highlighted PT Antam's performance in managing the nickel mine in the Mandiodo Block, North Konawe. As the holder of a Mining Business Permit (IUP), PT Antam is considered less than optimal due to various problems.

According to Sugeng, various existing problems should no longer exist, because there has been a binding legal decision.

"As we know, Antam owns the IUP. But for about 10 years it has not been able to manage it properly for various reasons," said Sugeng in a written statement, Saturday, March 26.

"The nickel mine has caused extraordinary problems even though there has been a legal decision made," he continued.

Sugeng continued, the active involvement of regional companies in helping mine management could be one solution. It is hoped that the role of regional companies can reduce various existing problems.

This solution, according to Sugeng, can be reached by regulating the mechanism and technical aspects, which of course are adjusted to the existing provisions.

"In the future, by involving all stakeholders throughout North Konawe Regency in the Mandiodo Block. In this management, the company involves the provinces," said Sugeng.

"Finally tonight, we decided together with the North Konawe regional company to also participate in the block, aspects of support and other mechanisms will be prepared soon," he concluded.

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