
PASER - A total of 28 residents of Paser Regency, East Kalimantan, have registered as reserve components (komcad) at the Military District Command (Kodim) 0904/Paser. . Tabri in Paser, Friday, March 25. He also said that Komcad is a national resource that has been prepared to be deployed through mobilization to strengthen the strength and capabilities of the main components (TNI). Each Kodim, he said, was given a quota of 30 people to accept applicants as members. Komcad, including Kodim 0904/Paser. According to him, registration for Komcad members is open to the public, even civil servants or ASN as well as private employees or people who already have jobs can register with a maximum age limit of 35 years. as well as the private sector, must get permission from their superiors or agency leaders. They will return to their original institution after completing their education," he said, quoted by Antara. They will undergo basic military education, such as physical training, self-defense, to practice shooting with ammunition or live bullets. Komcad returns to the community or returns to work in its original office. However, they must be ready to be summoned at any time when the country requires additional personnel for a military operation. Komcad has attributes such as uniforms, ranks, and is equipped with weapons. However, these attributes are not allowed to be stored by Komcad members, but are entrusted to the local Kodim. "They also get uniforms, there are ranks, the difference is that our clothes have TNI inscriptions, they have Komcad written on them. They also hold weapons, have weapon numbers. All attributes and weapons kept at the Kodim," he said.

The first officer of the Indonesian Army also explained that the Komcad selection began on May 8, 2022 at the Korem Headquarters, Samarinda. Meanwhile, his education was carried out at the Mulawarman Regional Military Parent Regiment (Rindam) in South Kalimantan. ," he said. Meanwhile, one of the registrants for Komcad at Kodim 0904 Paser named Sugimin (34) said that his motivation to register for Komcad was because since childhood he had dreamed of becoming a soldier. However, the dream of the man who works as an oil palm farmer on a daily basis failed because there were requirements that were not met. The same thing was said by Dwi (22) a resident of Modang, Kuaro District. He said the reason for joining Komcad was because he aspired to be a member of the TNI but did not pass the selection.

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