Making Residents Uneasy, Crocodiles Raised In Tambaksari House Surabaya Were Evacuated
Crocodiles evacuated in Surabaya (Special)


SURABAYA - The Disaster Management Agency (BPB) Linmas City of Surabaya, East Java, evacuated a 2 meter crocodile belonging to a resident named Puji Syaturi. This sapitic crocodile was evacuated because it troubled the residents of Jalan Gresikan 2, Tambaksari District, Surabaya.

"So, there were residents who were worried and then reported the crocodile's presence to Command Center 112 Surabaya," said Head of BPB Linmas for Surabaya City, Irvan Widiyanto, confirmed, Friday, September 25.

Surabaya City Linmas BPB officers evacuated the crocodile by covering the crocodile's mouth, with isolation. Her legs were also tied.

"After being successfully evacuated, we will secure it at the Surabaya City Linmas office and will be taken to the East Java BKSDA," he explained.

Sapit crocodiles have native habitats in inland rivers of Sulawesi, Sumatra and Kalimantan. This species is smaller and shorter with a maximum length of 3.5 meters.

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