
JAKARTA - The Deputy for Enforcement and Execution of the Corruption Eradication Commission (KPK) Karyoto asserted that he had never asked other law enforcement officers for cases, including the Attorney General's Office.

This was conveyed in response to the statement of the Coordinator of the Indonesian Anti-Corruption Society (MAKI), Boyamin Saiman. He said the KPK, which is now led by Firli Bahuri, had requested a case from the Attorney General's Office (AGO).

Karyoto was confused about where Boyamin got the information. This is because, so far, the KPK has never asked the Attorney General's Office, let alone for the sake of an image.

"This is Mr. Boyamin, who knows where we ask for case grants," Karyoto said as quoted from the Indonesian KPK's YouTube, Friday, March 25.

He understood what case Boyamin meant. However, Karyoto refused to talk further because what the anti-corruption activists said was not true.

Moreover, Karyoto said, the public actually reported more allegations of corruption to the KPK. In fact, currently the public complaints section of the anti-corruption commission is full of complaints.

"What is clear is that the KPK has never asked for case grants. Even in cases, we may, people report more to the KPK than to others," said Karyoto.

"Because of our history, we know the KPK as a trigger mechanism and currently our public complaints are still very, very full," he added.

Furthermore, Karyoto agrees that fellow law enforcement officers often simultaneously investigate allegations of certain cases. However, this problem is solved by coordinating.

"It's very easy (coordination, ed) for example, 'I will handle this, sir. This is the mas who will handle it'. It's different if the grant is handed over 'today we submitted the case at the request of the KPK chairman with the reason to raise the image'. There's no such thing," he said.

"I'm funny, where did he (Boyamin Saiman, ed) get that story. I don't think there is a grant because in principle all case handling between law enforcement officers is very good and synergistic," said Karyoto.

Boyamin revealed that the KPK requested the case from the Attorney General's Office. The requested cases are related to allegations of corruption in the oil and gas sector.

According to him, the anti-corruption commission deliberately asked for this case in order to get an achievement assessment from many parties.

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