
CILACAP - The Executive Board of the Indonesian Homeland Lovers Branch (DPC Petanesia) of Cilacap Regency said the vacant seats that will be occupied after the Cilacap Regent's term ends in 2022 must be observed by many parties.

DPC Petanesia hopes that the Governor of Central Java, Ganjar Pranowo, will not make a mistake in appointing a figure who will occupy the position until the 2024 Simultaneous Pilkada

"Indeed, according to the law, the terms of office of the Regent and Deputy Regent of Cilacap for the 2017-2022 period will only end on November 19, 2022," said Chairman of the Petanesia DPC of Cilacap Regency M. Taufiq Hidayatulloh in Cilacap, Thursday, March 24.

Furthermore, to fill the vacancy in the regional head seats until the inauguration of the Regent and Deputy Regent of Cilacap as a result of the 2022 Simultaneous Regional Head Elections, he said, there will be an acting regent appointed by the Governor of Central Java.

He acknowledged that the Governor of Central Java certainly has criteria related to the figure who will be appointed as the Acting Regent of Cilacap to fill the vacancy in the regional head seat until the inauguration of the Regent and Deputy Regent of Cilacap as a result of the 2024 Simultaneous Regional Election.

Nevertheless, he hopes that whoever will be appointed by the Governor of Central Java to occupy the position of Acting Regent of Cilacap is a figure who really understands Cilacap.

"This is important, understand Cilacap, understand Cilacap's veins. Thus, he really devotes his energy and thoughts to the progress of Cilacap for at least 2 years until the election of a new regent and deputy regent," said the head of the Regency General Elections Commission (KPU). Cilacap for the 2003-2008 period.

In Article Law Number 10 of 2016 it is stated that to fill the vacancy in the position of regent/mayor, an acting regent/mayor is appointed from high-ranking pratama positions up to the inauguration of regents and mayors in accordance with statutory provisions.

If in Cilacap there is no suitable high-ranking primary leadership figure, he said, the Governor of Central Java can appoint a figure from outside the region who meets the criteria to be appointed as acting regent.

"However, we expect at least people who have an emotional connection with the region. That's important," he stressed.

In addition, Taufiq also hopes that in approximately 2 years there will be no change in the acting regent for the sake of sustainable development in Cilacap.

"Our hope is that there will be no replacement for the 2 years (the acting regent). So, look for a figure who does have emotional ties to Cilacap. If the conditions are, for example, echelon 2 officials in the province, yes, if there are echelon 2 in the province who have emotional ties with Cilacap, yes, why not," he said.

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