
PALU - Central Sulawesi Regional Police Chief (Kapolda) Inspector General Pol. Rudy Sufahriadi directly inspected the sale of cooking oil in two traditional markets in Palu City. The two traditional markets are the Manonda Inpres Market and Masomba Market in Palu City. said Rudy Sufahriadi, Thursday, March 24. One by one the traders selling cooking oil were approached directly by the Central Sulawesi Police Chief who was accompanied by the Palu Police Chief AKBP Bayu Indra Wiguno and the Danrem 132 Tadulako Brigadier General Toto Nurwanto. This happened to the purchase of cooking oil even though the price of cooking oil in the market had increased. "Earlier we didn't see any queues anywhere, even though the price did go up and down," said Rudy, quoted by Antara. Palu City is still safe until Ramadan arrives. "The police chief has checked that the availability of there is cooking oil in Palu City. It has been checked throughout Central Sulawesi, it is still there. There are other items that have increased slightly because they are preparing for Ramadan," he said.

Working closely with the regional government, the Central Sulawesi Police will continue to monitor the sale of cooking oil in their area. , a trader named Mahyono admitted that the price of packaged cooking oil had increased in price. He said that the increase in the price of packaged cooking oil occurred when the Government lifted the subsidized packaged cooking oil. Rp. 50 thousand. For bulk cooking oil that is distributed, some of us cannot get it," he said.

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