
JAKARTA - Minister of Health Budi Gunadi Sadikin revealed how to check the vaccination status of the community when traveling back and forth during this year's Eid.

The government has allowed people to go home as long as they have been vaccinated against the third dose of COVID-19 or booster.

According to the Minister of Health, Budi, the government will randomly check the status of vaccinations on the homecoming route for travelers using private vehicles. Vaccination status can be seen from the PeduliLindung application.

"Going home with private vehicles will be checked at random," Budi said in a virtual press conference, Wednesday, March 23.

Meanwhile, checking the vaccination status of travelers using public transportation is carried out shortly before boarding the vehicle by showing a vaccination certificate on the PeduliLindung application.

Clearer technical rules for homecoming activities will be issued by the Ministry of Transportation (Kemenhub). Spokesperson for the Ministry of Transportation, Adita Irawati, admitted that her party would coordinate with the relevant government.

"The Ministry of Transportation will immediately coordinate with a number of stakeholders, namely the COVID-19 Handling Task Force, ministries and institutions, as well as other related elements," Adita said.

Adita explained that the Ministry of Transportation would issue a circular regarding technical implementation instructions in the field for both foreign and domestic travel, which refers to the SE Task Force for Handling COVID-19.

According to him, this SE of the Ministry of Transportation is needed as a reference for operators of transportation infrastructure and facilities to ensure that the implementation of foreign and domestic travel can run smoothly and safely from COVID-19.

For information, President Jokowi allows people to go home for Lebaran this year freely as long as they have carried out the third dose of COVID-19 vaccination or booster.

More specifically, people who have not undergone a booster can still go home but with certain conditions. People who have just vaccinated two doses or a complete dose are required to do an antigen test before traveling. Meanwhile, people who have just received the first dose of vaccine must perform a PCR test.

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