
JAKARTA - Gilang Widya Pramana's legal team, known as Juragan 99, Arman Anis, said that his party had not yet received a Notification on the Progress of Investigation Results (SP2HP) from the Criminal Investigation Unit of the National Police regarding the trademark case with reported Putra Siregar.

The National Police's Criminal Investigation Unit previously stated that the handling of the case had been stopped based on the case title since March 16, 2022.

"We have not received SP2HP from the National Police Headquarters regarding the report reported by Ms. Shandy," said Arman to reporters, Tuesday, March 22.

With no official letter yet, Arman has not been able to talk much about stopping the investigation process.

However, as the reporting party, he requested that the Bareskrim Polri investigators provide the letter. That way there is legal certainty in the case.

"So until now there is no certainty that the law will be stopped or not," said Arman.

The Bareskrim Polri said it had stopped investigating the alleged trademark case reported by the wife of Juragan 99, Shandy Purnamasari, against Putra Siregar. The reason is that the results of the case trial are not sufficient evidence.

"Wednesday, March 16, 2022, a case was held, it was concluded that there was insufficient evidence, the investigation was stopped," said Head of the Public Relations Division of the National Police Public Relations Division Kombes Gatot Repli Handoko to VOI, Tuesday, March 22.

However, the status of the case was upgraded to an investigation on September 29, 2021.

One of the grounds for stopping the handling of the case was the decision of the Directorate General of Intellectual Property (KI) of the Ministry of Law and Human Rights dated December 20, 2021.

In that decision, Putra Siregar's appeal regarding the cosmetic logo was granted. Therefore, the Director General of Intellectual Property at the Ministry of Law and Human Rights issued a PS Glow brand certificate.

Shandy Purnamasari had reported Putra Siregar to the Criminal Investigation Police of the National Police. The report is trademark related.

The report is contained in LP/B/484/VIII/2021/SPKT/Bareskrim Polri, dated August 13, 2021.

In the report, Putra Siregar and two other parties were suspected of violating trademarks. Because, Putra Siregar's cosmetic logo resembles that of Shandy Purnamasari.

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