
SEMARANG - Director of PT Putra Wali Mandiri Ahmad Hanif Ruseno admitted to giving a fee for the project in Banjarnegara Regency, Central Java, to a confidant of Regent Budhi Sarwono, Kedi Afandi, with a total of IDR 850 million.

According to Hanif, when he was a witness in a trial on allegations of corruption and project gratification at the PUPR Office of Banjarnegara Regency with the defendant the Regent of Banjarnegara Budhi Sarwono and his close person, Kedi Afandi, they said that there were three projects that were carried out in 2017 and 2018.

The three projects are maintenance work on the Sidengok-Condong Campur road with a value of Rp. 3.4 billion and a follow-up to the improvement of the Pekandangan-Margasari road with a value of Rp. 4.9 billion in 2017, as well as work on the improvement of the Pejawaran-Ratamba road worth Rp. 11.7 billion in 2017. 2018.

It was stated by the witness that the work was obtained from the defendant Kedi Afandi with several conditions that must be met, including providing a fee from the value of the project received.

"Ask Mr. Kedi for a job. The job is given even though there has been no announcement of an auction from the PUPR Service," he said, quoted by Antara, Tuesday, March 22.

For two jobs in 2017, he said, the fees paid to Kedi Afandi were Rp. 300 million and Rp. 400 million, respectively.

As for work in 2018, the fee that must be paid is IDR 800 million.

However, he admitted that he had only handed over Rp150 million because the work on the Pejawaran-Ratamba road segment was finally carried out by another contractor.

"I handed it over three times, Rp. 50 million each to Pak Kedi," he said in the trial chaired by Chief Justice Rochmad.

As for the remaining lack of fees, he admitted that he did not know because the rest of the project was carried out by PT Alexis Mitra Bangun.

Previously, it was reported that Budhi Sarwono was charged with accepting bribes of Rp. 18.7 billion and gratification of Rp. 7.5 billion from various projects that allegedly involved his three companies.

Budhi was charged with Article 12 letters i and 12B of Law Number 31 of 1999 concerning the Eradication of Criminal Acts of Corruption as amended by Law no. 20 of 2001.

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