
PONTIANAK - The Pontianak City Social Service stated that the presence of homeless people and beggars and clowns who usually hang out at crossroads in the local city are not residents of Pontianak, West Kalimantan. province," said Head of the Pontianak City Social Service (Dinsos), Darmanelly in Pontianak, Tuesday, March 22. Even among the homeless and beggars there are those who own a car and have two wives and a luxurious house. "We have sent some of the beggars back to their areas of origin. If they are outside the province, we cooperate with the Provincial Social Service for their repatriation," he said, quoted by Antara. He added that the Pontianak City Regional Regulation (Perda) Number 19 of 2021 concerning the Implementation of Peace, Public Order and Community Protection in Article 42 point E, strictly prohibits giving money or goods to beggars, beggars at crossroads or other public places.

"We always socialize and educate the public about this, not to give, either through social media or by making flyers or seminars," he said. He hoped that people would understand this. If you want to give alms through a clear channel such as the Amil Zakat Agency or Dompet Ummah, the distribution is clear. "We are not forbidding people to do good, it's just that a lot of goodness is used even though they are richer than those who give. Most of the responses from the community are saying that We forbid them to give charity," he said.

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