
JAKARTA - Head of the DKI Environment Agency, Asep Kuswanto, said that his party would again supervise the compliance of administrative sanctions given to PT Karya Citra Nusantara (KCN) within two weeks after the sanctions were imposed.

This sanction was given because PT KCN was proven to have polluted coal dust in the Marunda area, North Jakarta, thus disturbing the health of residents.

"We have just handed over the sanctions and improving the management will also take time. We will carry out periodic monitoring in the future every two weeks. We ask KCN to immediately implement the sanctions as soon as possible," Asep told reporters, Tuesday, March 22.

Asep said that in general the administrative sanctions referred to are obliging PT KCN to make improvements in terms of water quality management, movable and immovable source emissions, B3 waste, solid waste, noise, and air, as well as submit implementation documents.

If PT PCN does not finish carrying out the sanctions within the specified time limit, the DKI Provincial Government will again impose further sanctions, namely freezing its business license.

"When the government's coercive sanctions are not implemented, then we will carry out the next stage of the sanctions, namely freezing of permits. Then, up to the revocation of business licenses," he said.

For information, Marunda residents have started to feel this air pollution disturbance since 2018. The culprit is PT KCN, which is a port manager that has loading and unloading activities for solid and wet bulk commodities, including coal.

Until finally, the DKI Provincial Government reacted a few days ago. The DKI Environment Agency has imposed administrative sanctions on PT KCN. PT KCN was ordered to improve environmental management as many as 32 items.

The administrative sanctions include PT KCN having to build a 4 meter high embankment in the stockpile or coal stockpile area to prevent coal dust from carrying away during storage no later than 60 calendar days.

Then, PT KCN must function the pier 1 area of the southern Kade for loading and unloading of finished materials that do not have the potential to cause pollution other than coal loading and unloading activities no later than 14 calendar days.

PT KCN must cover with tarpaulin in the coal stockpiling area no later than 14 calendar days, PT KCN must clean up spilled CPO spills resulting from tank cleaning originating from loading and unloading activities of liquid bulk CPO ships no later than 14 calendar days.

PT KCN must carry out emergency response to liquid CPO spills that occur no later than 14 calendar days. PT KCN must increase the frequency and scope of watering to be more effective to prevent the appearance of fine dust remaining from coal loading and unloading activities no later than 7 calendar days.

PT KCN is obliged to continuously improve the handling and cleaning activities of spilled coal during loading and unloading activities of coal no later than 14 calendar days.

PT KCN is also required to provide truck wheel wash basins at the activity location no later than 30 calendar days. PT KCN must submit spilled coal mixed with mud resulting from the handling of spillage and dredged at sea which has been collected to a third party no later than 30 calendar days.

PT KCN is also obliged to stop pier 3 land filling activities using the rest of the spilled coal mixed with mud resulting from the handling of spillage and sea dredging and submit it to a third party no later than 14 calendar days.

Then, PT KCN is obliged to stop the spilled coal spills into the sea during loading and unloading due to the placement and amount of safety metal that is not in accordance with heavy equipment no later than 30 calendar days.

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