
PROBOLINGGO - Dozens of houses in Sapikerep Village on the slopes of Mount Bromo, Probolinggo Regency, East Java, are electrified by PLN after the development of an electricity network in one of the hamlets in a local village was proposed for a long time.

Assistant for Development and Economics, the Regional Secretary of Probolinggo Regency, Ahmad Hasyim Asyari, together with members of the DPRD of Probolinggo Regency, Supoyo, and Manager of Probolinggo ULP, Faizal Reyhan, symbolically turned on the electricity at Bambang's house, who is the head of Ngelosari Hamlet, Sapikerep Village, Sukapura District.

"Electricity is an important need for daily life, especially in remote areas, so the Probolinggo Regency Government is working with PLN to develop the electricity network in the Ngelosari Hamlet area," said Probolinggo Regency Development and Economic Assistant Ahmad Hasyim Asyari. quoted by Antara, Monday, March 21.

The Probolinggo Regency Government and PLN have installed an electricity network for the daily needs of the Ngelosari Hamlet community which is useful for supporting community businesses and facilitating the teaching and learning process in schools.

"The long struggle related to electricity distribution in Ngelosari Hamlet, Sapikerep Village has been well resolved," he said.

People can enjoy the availability of an electricity network that has been connected to their homes, it can even be used for daily needs because the most important thing is that the Human Development Index (IPM) will continue to increase.

"Hopefully the community can maintain and care for the PLN electricity network properly so that the available electricity flow does not occur. There are 31 house connections to be resolved immediately and can continue with other networks," he said.

Meanwhile, a member of the Probolinggo Regency DPRD, Supoyo as a representative of the Sapikerep Village community, said that his party would always encourage the development of electricity networks in Pusunglepet and Pusung Malang.

"Once there is an official electricity network, illegal electricity networks will be cut off and no longer used," he said.

Manager of the Probolinggo Customer Service Unit (ULP), Faizal Reyhan, who represents the Manager of UP3 Pasuruan, said PLN will always serve the community regarding the need for the electricity network.

"After eight years and finally it can be realized today, even people can use the electricity network for their daily needs," he said.

He explained that PLN also has a special program, namely the Lisdes Program which begins with a survey at several points that do not have electricity, so it is hoped that villages, especially in Probolinggo Regency where there is no electricity network, have the opportunity to be electrified.

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