JAKARTA - The government plans to revitalize seven museums in Jakarta this year to adopt digital style and technology to attract the attention of visitors, especially millennials.
"There are seven museums here. We will make this museum fun, not only storing historical items, but there is knowledge that can be obtained," said Director General of Culture, Ministry of Education, Culture, Research and Technology (Kemendibudristek), Hilmar Farid as reported by Antara. , Monday, March 21.
Farid had mentioned several museums that would be revitalized this year, namely the Proclamation Manuscript Museum and the National Museum.
The revitalization concept also carries a digital style that has been applied to the Youth Pledge Museum.
While visiting the Youth Pledge Museum this Monday, he highlighted several interesting displays, misrepresenting the discussion of the birth of the Youth Pledge through an "immersive" screen.
On the screen, the museum management displays a scene from the youth congress before the birth of the Youth Pledge.
This digital presentation pattern will be developed in all museums so that the delivery of information about history is more interactive.
When asked how much budget was prepared for the revitalization program, Farid was reluctant to reveal it.
"The budget is global, yes, because we don't just deal with museums here, but also in the regions that are our concern," he explained.
With this revitalization, he hopes that young people will be more interested in visiting museums so that millennials are rich in knowledge of the nation's history.
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