
JAKARTA - The DKI Provincial Government has proposed nine Betawi cultural works to be recorded as communal intellectual property. The DKI Jakarta Culture Service has submitted the required documents for these nine cultural works to the DKI Jakarta Regional Office of the Ministry of Law and Human Rights (Kanwil Kemenkumham).

Communal intellectual property itself is intellectual property whose ownership is group and is a traditional cultural heritage that needs to be preserved.

The Head of the DKI Culture Office, Iwan Henry Wardhana, said that every Betawi cultural product that has obtained an intangible cultural heritage (WBTB) registration process can continue the process of registering its Intellectual Property Rights to the Ministry of Law and Human Rights (Kemenkumham).

"The law on the ownership of intellectual works plays a very important role in providing protection for intellectual property itself, both communal (owned by the people or public) and personal (individuals) which can also affect the development of the creative economy," said Iwan in his statement, Sunday, March 20.

According to Iwan, the proposal for Betawi cultural works as communal intellectual property is an effort by the local government to protect and preserve Betawi Culture.

In addition, intellectual property protection is an important part of future national development and has contributed significantly to national and international economic development.

"Culture is the identity of a group or community whose ownership we must protect and preserve," said Iwan.

"Hopefully, by recording Betawi cultural works at the Ministry of Law and Human Rights, more Betawi cultural works will receive recognition and protection from the competent authorities, which will become the pride of the Betawi people. So that we can jointly maintain and preserve this culture," he continued. .

The nine Betawi cultural works proposed for the recording of Communal Intellectual Property, include: 1. Gambus Betawi2. Pencak Silat Movement Saka3. Sekojor Pencak Silat4. Pencak Silat Sabeni Tanabang5. Sohibul Hikayat6. Troktok Pencak Silat7. Djakarta Heritage Pencak Silat 8. Kwitang Mustika Silat Pencak Silat9. Gamblong Pencak Silat

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