
KENDARI - PT Aneka Tambang (Antam) Tbk Nickel Mining Business Unit (UBPN) Southeast Sulawesi (Sultra) handed over two diving equipment to the Search and Rescue Office or Basarnas Kendari to support SAR operations in case of dangerous conditions for humans. Diving equipment, it's for the beginning of this year," said CSR Bureau Head PT Antam Tbk UBPN Sultra Maemanah in Kendari, Saturday, March 19. The assistance was handed over by Bureau Head PT Antam Tbk UBPN Sultra Maemanah to the Head of Basarnas RI Marshal TNI Madya Henri Alfiandi during a working visit at Kendari Basarnas office. short and long term," said Maemanah as quoted by Antara. elam is equipment that breaks down quickly so that with the help it can add equipment to support search and rescue operations.

"Directly in the form of goods, no need for money, the form of goods we need. Diving equipment is a tool that is rarely used, it breaks quickly, so the assistance of this tool is very helpful," said the Head of Basarnas RI. other companies can also do this, especially those in the Kendari Basarnas working area. Basarnas during a working visit at the Kendari Basarnas Office was accompanied by the Deputy for Sarpras Siskom, Junior Marshal TNI F. Indrajaya, Director of Operations Brigadier General (Mar) Wurjanto M.Han and was greeted by the Head of Basarnas Kendari, Aris Sofingi.

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