
YOGYAKARTA - There is an inspiring story behind bars at the Wiroguna Class 2A Prison, Yogyakarta City. A number of inmates were seen busy in the kitchen making bakpia, a typical Yogyakarta gift. Even though it has only been running for three months, the demand for baked bakpia produced by the inmates is very large. Prisons admitted that they had been overwhelmed by requests. It seems that the name Bapkia Mbah Wiro 378 has gotten a place for the people of Yogyakarta and tourists who want to bring baked bakpia souvenirs from Yogyakarta. According to the Head of the Work Guidance Subsection of Wirogunan Prison, Jati Suryono, the activity began when there were inmates who had the ability to make bakpia. The prison then provides opportunities with training to get bakpia results that are not inferior to similar products that have already been circulating on the market. According to Jati, the bakpia brand name was taken from the number of articles of the Criminal Code that the inmates violated. Watch the video below.

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