
JAKARTA - Coordinating Minister for the Economy of Indonesia Airlangga Hartarto is expected to work hard to overcome the cooking oil crisis. His expertise in overcoming this problem could be a portfolio if he intends to run in the 2024 Presidential Election.

Former Coordinating Minister for Maritime Affairs Rizal Ramli said that if the scarcity and rising cooking oil prices were resolved by Airlangga, it could be his capital in the national political contestation. Rizal said Airlangga's name would be remembered by voters.

"If Airlangga is able to finish it, this is a great campaign material for him. If he fixes this problem of price scarcity, he will become a hero, he doesn't have to put up billboards, people will remember," said Airlangga to VOI.

In accordance with his main duties and functions as the relevant minister, Rizal hopes that Airlangga will devote his energies to this problem that makes people difficult. The matter of Airlangga's steps in the national political arena is best left aside for now.

Because, according to Rizal, the Minister of Trade (Mendag) Muhammad Lutfi does not have the ability to solve the problems that trouble the people. The cooking oil crisis that has occurred since the end of 2021 is still being felt by the people.

Previously, the Main Expert Staff of the Presidential Staff Office (KSP) Bustanul Arifin ensured that the stock and distribution of cooking oil in the market was safe. He asked people not to panic buy.

"People don't panic and don't need to worry. The government ensures that the availability of cooking oil in the market is safely controlled. There is no shortage and even bulk cooking oil has been subsidized to an affordable price," he said in a written statement, Friday, March 18.

KSP conveyed that the price of bulk cooking oil charged to the public is currently Rp. 14,000 per liter. The price is based on subsidies from the government. "Meanwhile, packaged cooking oil without subsidies is widely available in minimarkets, supermarkets or modern markets," said Bustanul.

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