
JAKARTA - The Attorney General's Office respects the decision of the panel of judges at the South Jakarta District Court which acquitted two police officers accused of the arbitrary killing of four FPI members. To reporters in Jakarta, Friday, March 18. Ketut also assessed that the public prosecutor's attitude to think about the judge's decision was correct. We will study the full decision first, then the public prosecutor will take a stand," he said. Previously, the panel of judges at the South Jakarta District Court ruled that two police officers accused of the unlawful killing of four FPI members were free from criminal punishment even though the prosecutor's primary charges were proven. The actions of the First Police Brigadier (Briptu) Fikri Ramadhan and the Inspector r Police Two (Ipda) Mohammad Yusmin Ohorella cannot be sentenced because it is included in the category of forced defense and forced defense that exceeds the limit. Thus, First Brigadier Fikri and Ipda Yusmin cannot be sentenced for reasons of justification and forgiveness, said Chief Justice M. Arif Nuryanta in his decision read out during a trial at the South Jakarta District Court, Jakarta, Friday. The judge in his deliberations explained the reasons for the justification to remove the unlawful acts of Brigadier Fikri and Ipda Yusmin, while the excuse for forgiveness erased the guilt of the two police officers. another person who shot four FPI members in a Xenia car belonging to the police on December 7, 2020. The criminal act as stipulated in Article 338 of the Criminal Code is included in the prosecutor's primary indictment. the act was an attempt to defend oneself. Thus The six FPI members, namely Luthfi Hakim (25) and Andi Oktiawan (33), and Muhammad Reza (20), Ahmad Sofyan alias Ambon (26 years), Faiz Ahmad Syukur (22), and Muhammad Suci Khadavi (21) were shot dead by police in two different locations in December 2020. The shooting of Luthfi and Andi by the police, according to the panel of judges, was an effort to enforce the law and defend themselves. The shooting of four other FPI members in the car belonging to the police, according to the panel of judges, is also an attempt to defend the police themselves.

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