
JAKARTA - The Corruption Eradication Commission (KPK) revealed that during 2004 to 2021, it handled 283 corruption cases in the procurement of goods and services. This number is the second largest after bribery cases.

"During the 2004-2021 period, a total of 283 corruption cases in the procurement of goods and services were handled. This number is the second highest case after bribery, which totaled more than 700 cases," said KPK Deputy Chair Nurul Ghufron in a written statement, Friday, March 18. .

For this reason, the KPK then recommends the use of e-catalogs to minimize the gap in corruption in the procurement of goods and services in central and regional government agencies. Including all state institutions.

In this e-catalog, all details related to product specifications to price comparisons can be seen. So it will be difficult for state administrators to take advantage.

"The use of this e-catalog closes the gap for corruption that can be done by state officials. With the e-catalog, all details related to the specifications of goods, to the comparison of prices of goods with other providers, can be seen by anyone," he said.

Ghufron reminded that corruption in the procurement of goods and services is a corrupt practice that results in reduced state revenues and hinders development.

"Therefore, the KPK provides recommendations that can be applied by all government agencies in improving the system for the procurement of goods and services. The application of e-catalog is one of them," he said.

In this way, it is hoped that in the future the management of the procurement of goods and services can be even better. Moreover, currently the results of the Integrity Index which is the output of the Integrity Assessment Survey (SPI) in 2021, the dimension of PBJ management gets a score of 89.7.

Ghufron said the figure was much higher than the average Integrity Index of all ministries/agencies and local governments which was 72.4.

"The results show, based on the recognition of internal parties, the public, and experts, the management of PBJ in the survey participating agencies is quite good. Although there is still corruption in PBJ, so the score is not 100," said Ghufron.

The latest e-catalog system is planned to be launched by President Joko Widodo (Jokowi) on March 24. After launching the latest version of the e-catalog at the end of March, the Government Goods/Services Procurement Policy Institute (LKPP) targets 200 thousand products to be displayed there.

The goods and services provided by the e-catalog are also very diverse. Starting from laboratory equipment, internet service providers, food, health facilities, drugs, educational equipment, sports equipment, street lighting equipment, motor vehicles, office electronic equipment, and others.

"KPK is part of the National Team for Corruption Prevention (Timnas PK), which consists of the Ministry of Home Affairs, the Ministry of Administrative Reform and Bureaucratic Reform, the National Development Planning Agency, and the Presidential Staff Office," explained Ghufron.

"The task of the PK National Team is to ensure that corruption prevention actions in the Stranas PK (including the implementation of e-catalogs), become more focused, measurable, and result-oriented and impactful. Operationally, the PK National Team is supported by the National Secretariat of Corruption Prevention (Setnas PK) which is domiciled in the KPK's Red and White building," he concluded.

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