
BUKITTINGGI - General Chairperson of the Central Executive Board of the Indonesian Mosque Council (DMI) Muhammad Jusuf Kalla inaugurated the Tablighiyah Garegeh Mosque, Bukittinggi City, West Sumatra, Friday, March 18. -2019) repeats the history of the inauguration of the Tablighiyah Mosque in 1970 when it was inaugurated by the first Vice President of the Republic of Indonesia, Mohammad Hatta. Also present at the inauguration of the reuse of the largest mosque in Bukittinggi City were the Head of the West Sumatra Police, the Governor of West Sumatra, the Mayor of Bukittinggi, the former Head of the Indonesian Armed Forces, Muhammad Fuad Basya who also as a local traditional leader. Jusuf Kalla appreciates the spirit of the residents of Garegeh and Bukittinggi in general who have collaborated to build this magnificent mosque on the Bukittinggi-Payakumbuh Cross Road. or a surau for the people of West Sumatra as a center for various activities," he said ip Antara. He said that mosques in various regions in Indonesia are generally built by the community so that the independence in activities inside the mosque is more pronounced. "For this reason, the Mosque Council provides several regulations for its use, all for the beauty of Islamic law and not to weaken it," he said.

He emphasized that the task of prospering mosques, according to him, is not only the responsibility of the Indonesian Mosque Council (DMI), but also the entire community. There are many mosques," said Jusuf Kalla. In addition to inaugurating the first use of the rebuilt Tablighiyah Mosque, Jusuf Kalla also performed the first Friday prayer at the mosque. After that, the foundation stone for the Tablighi Education Center was laid including MDTA, Tahfidzh Islamic Boarding School, Assalam Kindergarten and Building Multipurpose Tablighiyah. The construction of the new Garegeh Tablighiyah Mosque has cost around Rp. 24 billion. The committee for the construction of the mosque still needs a budget of around Rp. 28 billion again for the continuation of the construction of the mosque which will later be able to accommodate around 2,000 worshipers.

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