
KUPANG - The High Prosecutor's Office of East Nusa Tenggara Province (Kejati NTT) is still pursuing 16 people involved in corruption and general criminal cases. The names of the perpetrators have been included in the wanted list (DPO).

"The High Prosecutor's Office has 16 people on the wanted list who are still at large at this time," said Head of the Legal Information and Public Relations Section of the NTT Prosecutor's Office, Abdul Hakim, in Kupang, as quoted by Antara, Friday, March 18.

Abdul said the cases of the 16 DPOs already have permanent legal force. In the pursuit, the NTT Prosecutor's Office always coordinates with the Attorney General's Office through the team to capture fugitives.

Some areas that are strongly suspected of being hiding places are Timor Leste, making it difficult for prosecutors to make arrests.

"Regarding the convicts who fled to Timor Leste, we are coordinating with the Attorney General's Office, because it is a cross-border issue, especially since Indonesia does not yet have an extradition treaty with Timor Leste in arresting fugitives who fled to the country," he said.

According to him, one of the efforts made by the NTT Prosecutor's Office is to coordinate with security officers in the NTT-Timor Leste border area to prevent any fugitives from the Prosecutor's Office from fleeing to Timor Leste.

He explained that some time ago the Prosecutor's Office had thwarted the attempt of a convicted corruption case from NTT who wanted to flee to the Oecusse District, Timor Leste.

"The NTT Prosecutor's Team managed to arrest the convict in the border area of Oecusse and North Central Timor (TTU) when he was about to flee to Timor Leste," he said.

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