
JAKARTA - The leadership of the Indonesian House of Representatives regrets the move by the Minister of Trade to revoke the Regulation of the Minister of Trade (Permendag) No. 6 of 2022 regarding the highest retail price (HET) for palm cooking oil. The revocation of the policy was deemed inappropriate because it made it more difficult for the community. It is known that previously the government set the HET for bulk cooking oil at Rp 11,500 per liter, simple packaging at Rp 13,500 per liter, and premium packaging at Rp 14,000 per liter.

However, in the replacement regulation contained in the Minister of Trade Regulation Number 11 of 2022, the HET for bulk cooking oil is Rp. 14,000 per liter and the price of premium packaging is left to the market mechanism. Instead, the Minister of Trade Muhammad Lutfi seemed pro-entrepreneur.

"The revocation of the Minister of Trade Regulation Number 6 of 2022 shows that the trade minister's side is not with the people, but for businessmen," Dasco said in a written statement, Friday, March 18.

Furthermore, Dasco said, from the beginning the Indonesian House of Representatives had reminded the Ministry of Trade not to let the Minister of Trade Regulation No. 6 of 2022 which regulates the price of cooking oil only become a paper tiger policy. Because, he said, the policy did not solve the problem.

"In fact, this policy is only a paper tiger. This policy cannot solve the cooking oil problem," he said.

The daily chairman of the Gerindra Party DPP then touched on the Trade Minister's claim regarding the surplus of cooking oil supply in almost all regions in Sumatra. For example, said Dasco, in North Sumatra in the period from February 14 to March 16 2022, the supply of cooking oil reached 60 million liters. But in reality, the goods are not in the market or supermarkets.

According to Dasco, armed with Minister of Trade Regulation No. 6 of 2022, the government should have taken firm steps. The government can also order CPO producers to carry out DMO and DPO to cooking oil companies.

"If the CPO doesn't work, the government must dare to revoke the HGU of the palm oil company. Cooking oil companies can also have their license revoked if they don't produce cooking oil that meets the people's needs," said Dasco. fatalities. Where there are mothers who died because of queuing for cooking oil.

Therefore, Dasco encourages all stakeholders, including the government, the police, and the DPR to join hands to solve the cooking oil problem in the country. He asked the authorities to be firm with unscrupulous businessmen.

"This is like people dying in a rice barn. Our country is one of the world's main producers of CPO, but why does the problem of scarcity of cooking oil arise. For this reason, the government is asked to be firm with unscrupulous businessmen and asks the government to issue policies that favor the people," said Dasco .

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