
JAKARTA - Deputy Governor of DKI Jakarta Ahmad Riza Patria understands the central government's decision to revoke the highest retail price (HET) for packaged cooking oil.

According to Riza, this decision has been taken with careful consideration. Because, when the HET for packaged cooking oil was set, it turned out that the supply in the market was becoming increasingly scarce.

"Indeed, the situation is not easy as it is now. On the one hand, we want to ensure the availability of cooking oil. On the other hand, the price is not easy to regulate unilaterally," said Riza at City Hall, Thursday, March 17.

Thus, continued Riza, the government also feels that it must also look at the availability of the supply of entrepreneurs' abilities and the purchasing power of the people.

That's why the price of packaged cooking oil is left to the market mechanism. On the other hand, the government has begun to subsidize the supply of bulk cooking oil.

"The most important thing for the small community is that bulk cooking oil is available and the price is affordable," said Riza.

"For packaged cooking oil, it must be submitted to the market mechanism. It is the government's job to help keep the price affordable, even though the price is not fixed like bulk oil," he continued.


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It is known that the latest highest retail price for cooking oil after the HET for packaged cooking oil subsidies was revoked, took effect on Wednesday, March 16. Previously, the government met with cooking oil producers. Also at the meeting, several policies were decided. Coordinating Minister for Economic Affairs Airlangga Hartarto said that now the price of cooking oil such as simple and premium packaging can adjust to the economic value. This was done after the government lifted packaged cooking oil subsidies. This was done to make cooking oil easy to find in modern and traditional markets. "For that, the Chief of Police will ensure the availability and smooth supply," said Airlangga, Wednesday, March 16. "The government has decided that it will subsidize bulk palm oil at Rp. 14 thousand per liter and the subsidy will be based on funds from BPDP-KS," explained Airlangga. Airlangga explained that the subsidy for bulk cooking oil was given because considering the current situation and conditions related to the distribution of cooking oil at this time. "The government pays attention to the distribution situation and circumstances of the distribution of cooking oil and pays attention to the global situation and conditions where prices are rising, including vegetable oil and including palm oil," he said.

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