
SITUBONDO - A wild monkey entered the settlement of residents of South Village, Pillow Village, Asembagus District, Situbondo, East Java.

The monkey was violent and tried to attack the residents. Residents had tried to catch the wild monkey, but failed. As a result, residents reported to the local firefighters.

"The male monkey came in the afternoon. The monkey chased the residents and finally the residents chose to stay at home, the doors of all residents were closed," said local resident Dian (24), Thursday, March 17.

Meanwhile, the Asembagus Fire Team Commander, Bima Nurdianto, said officers came to the location after receiving the report.

"Based on the report, we together with members and assisted by members of the Satpol PP immediately rushed to the location to evacuate the wild monkeys," said Bima.

During the evacuation process, the monkeys kept moving when they were about to be caught.

"The monkey is moving and agile, running here and there, up and down trees. That's what makes it difficult to catch," said Bima.

Bima said the firefighters used various methods to catch the wild monkeys. Starting from fishing with food to deploying 1 unit of firefighters.

Bima said the monkey had fought the officers when he was arrested. But finally the monkey was caught around 11.00 WIB.

"Earlier, they used ladders, sacks and nets. The officers were very careful when approaching the monkey. When they were about to be ambushed, the monkeys resisted a little and were immediately covered with sacks," he added.

The monkey, continued Bima, was thought to have come from the southern forest area of a residential area. He was temporarily taken to the fire department in Asembagus District.

"It is suspected that the monkey came from the forest looking for food, because the residential area is close to the forest area of North Banyuwangi," he concluded

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