
JAKARTA - Central Java Governor Ganjar Pranowo continues to boost economic growth, especially the MSME sector. In collaboration with Bank Jateng, Ganjar provided assistance to 35 regencies/cities throughout Central Java for the development of MSMEs, each Rp 1 billion.

The aid was symbolically handed over by Ganjar during the inauguration of the Bank Jateng branch office in Mungkid Magelang, Wednesday, March 16 yesterday. On that occasion, Ganjar provided assistance to six regions throughout Kedu, namely Magelang City, Magelang Regency, Wonosobo, Kebumen, Temanggung, and Purworejo.

"This is a form of our coaching. If it is from Bank Jateng, later all regencies/cities will get Rp. 1 billion to foster MSMEs," said Ganjar in his statement, Thursday, March 17.

The assistance, he continued, is expected to boost economic growth in each region, as well as develop the MSME sector. That way, people are not only looking for work, but can create jobs.

"This is only from Bank Jateng, not from the others. In the past, we and Bank Indonesia had facilitated exhibitions in Japan, and now we have repeated orders for our MSME products," he explained.

Not only financial assistance, Ganjar also invites all regents/mayors to become offtakers for MSME products. If there are activities, spending can be done on small business actors in their respective regions.

"There are already rules, 40 percent of the APBD is used for the development of MSMEs. So if there is an event, buy it at MSMEs. Is it snacks, clothes, shoes, stationery (office stationery), and others," said the governor.

To be able to do that, there must be assistance to MSME actors. Because to be able to sell using the state budget, you must enter the e-catalog.

"Central Java Province already has the Blangkon application, the regions may be able to imitate it by making other applications to accommodate MSMEs selling sales. We continue to assist MSMEs to move forward," he said.

Ganjar asked Bank Jateng to also actively assist, through training and assistance in access to capital, as well as MSME business development. Not only Bank Jateng, Ganjar also hopes that other financial institutions will participate.

"Of course there is much that can be done. Bank Jateng has many capital schemes. There are lapak credits, millennial loans, credit for small business actors that can be utilized. Other banks can also participate. In accordance with the president's orders, we must fight how the economy can rise," he concluded.

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