
JAKARTA - The results of research conducted by the Directorate General of Corrections of the Ministry of Law and Human Rights together with the Center Detention Studies show that the excess occupancy capacity of prisons in 2025 could reach 136 percent or 311,534 inmates.

"That is if progressive steps are not taken to deal with overcrowded by reducing the number of inmates who enter", said Director of Community Guidance and Child Alleviation at the Ministry of Law and Human Rights, Liberti Sitinjak, in a written statement received in Jakarta, Thursday, March 17.

He explained that the number of prisoners means that the Government needs new residential space for 179,427 prisoners or the equivalent of 179 new prisons.

"The development costs needed reach IDR 35.8 trillion, not including the cost of eating prisoners of IDR 10.3 trillion until 2025", said Liberti Sitinjak.

To overcome the problem of excess occupancy in prisons and detention centers, Sitinjak assessed that the application of restorative justice was the best solution.

"With the synergy between law enforcement officers in the application of restorative justice, it is hoped that imprisonment is really only a last resort", he said.

According to him, imprisonment and confinement as conventional sanctions for violating the law have a major impact on overcrowded conditions, excess occupancy capacity, and not optimal development in prisons and detention centers throughout Indonesia.

The government through the Ditjenpas Kemenkumham, he said, continues to try to initiate restorative justice. In addition, this includes drafting a joint memorandum of understanding on the implementation of restorative justice that involves many parties.

"The preparation of the memorandum of understanding is part of the national priority program for 2022 in the 2020-2024 National Mid-Term Development Plan", he said.

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