
JAKARTA - The proposal submitted by Saifuddin Ibrahim to delete the 300 holy verses of the Qur'an has drawn a number of criticisms and public criticism in Indonesia. The National Police Headquarters has also opened up opportunities to study Saifuddin's sensitive content.

This middle-aged man claimed to be a priest. Some time ago, a video showing Saifuddin's proposal to the Ministry of Religion to delete 300 verses of the Qur'an went viral.

Not only that, he also asked the Minister of Religion to evaluate the curriculum of Islamic-based schools to Islamic boarding schools. Because the curriculum is a source of chaos.

Coordinating Minister for Political, Legal and Security Affairs Mahfud MD also supports the efforts of the National Police to investigate this case because it causes chaos, anxiety and provocation among religious believers. Law (UU) Number 1 of 1965 which regulates the Prevention of Abuse and or Blasphemy of Religion has been updated to become Law Number 5 of 1969 which can be used by the Police to process Saifuddin.

"I remind you that Law No. 5/1969 which was updated from the PNPS Law No. 1/1965 which was made by Bung Karno regarding blasphemy of religion threatens to be punished without playing games, more than 5 years in prison, namely anyone who makes interpretations or provokes the interpretation of a religion that violates the law. out of the main interpretation. The main teaching in Islam is that the Qur'an contains 6,666 verses, it cannot be reduced how much was ordered to withdraw the 3,000 or 300," Mahfud said via the Coordinating Ministry for Political, Legal and Security Affairs YouTube. Wednesday, March 16 evening.

Mahfud MD's request was apparently opposed by social media activist Permadi Arya alias Abu Janda. According to him, there is no need to use the blasphemy article in the Saifuddin case.

"Please, Mr. @mohmahfudmd, there is no need to use the article on blasphemy to persecute non-Muslims, sir.

According to Abu Janda, many insults were committed against non-Muslims in Indonesia. For example, what was done by Ustaz Abdul Somad by associating the cross with the infidel jinn. Ustaz Abdul Somad's statement was reported to the authorities in 2019.

"Meanwhile, blasphemy against non-Islamic religions such as Abdul Somad, who has been reported to have blasphemed against their religion, is not processed (slide 2). It only makes non-Muslims even more hurt by keeping bitter roots... unhealthy for this republic... please consider it, sir," explained Abu Widow.

Separately, the Head of the Public Relations Division of the National Police, Inspector General Dedi Prasetyo, said that his party would investigate the viral video of Saifuddin. "The National Police, especially the Dit Siber Bareskrim, will explore the contents of the video," he said when confirmed, Wednesday, March 16.

In the video circulating, Saifuddin Ibrahim asked the Minister of Religion to delete 300 verses of the Qur'an. The reason is that these verses are considered the cause of radicalism. The controversial statement began when Saifuddin Ibrahim supported the Minister of Religion's decision regarding the regulation on the volume of the call to prayer.

"I have repeatedly told the minister of religion, and this is the minister of religion who I think has high tolerance and peace towards minorities," said Syaifuddin Ibrahim.

In addition to supporting, Saifuddin Ibrahim also suggested that the Minister of Religion evaluate the curriculum of Islamic-based schools to Islamic boarding schools. Because the curriculum is a source of chaos.

"Also regulate the curriculum in madrasas, to tertiary institutions. Because the source of the chaos is from an incorrect curriculum. Even the curriculum in Islamic boarding schools should not be afraid to be overhauled, sir," said Saifuddin.

"Because pesantren can give birth to radicals. Like me, I used to be radical. I have taught at Islamic boarding schools, so I understand, sir," he continued.

In fact, to prevent people from escaping radicalism, Syaifuddin advised the Minister of Religion to delete 300 verses from the Koran.

"If necessary, sir, the 300 verses of the Koran that trigger his intolerance or radicalism are removed, sir. Because it is very dangerous," said Saifuddin.

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