
AMBON - The police managed to thwart an attempt to send 5,136 liters of cooking oil from eight owners who wanted to load the goods onto KM Tidar at Yos Sudarso port, Ambon to Baubau Harbor, Southeast Sulawesi. to undergo an examination," said the Ambon Island Police Chief and PP Lease Commissioner Pol Raja Arthur Simamora in Ambon, Thursday, March 17. The police carried out the attempt to thwart the delivery of 5,136 liters of cooking oil while carrying out routine activities enhanced by the Pam Lidik Gal Preemtif Task Force of the Ambon KPYS Police in order to raid the luggage of passengers descending and boarding passengers. According to the police chief, during the security activities, cooking oil was found to be sent to Baubau which was packaged in cartons and then put in 107 sacks. A 10 Coli, Mrs W five Coli, L 15 Coli, LM 37 Coli, S 10 koli, and LS five koli plus another owner who also had the initials L as many as six koli. From the police investigation, they admitted that they were only retailers who bought cooking oil and collected it to sell to Baubau at a higher price, and they were also not a gang. .

Then the evidence of cooking oil was secured at the Ambon KPYS Police, and the owner was immediately secured to the Ambon Pula Police and Lease Island Police for inspection. For cooking oil in Ambon the price per liter is IDR 14,000, while in the Bau Bau or Makassar areas it can reach IDR 65. 000 per liter. "It is possible that the cooking oil loaded aboard the Pelni KM Tidar ship will not only go through Yos Sudarso Port, Ambon, but also be loaded from Dobo Port, Aru Islands Regency and the port in Tual City," he said, quoted by Antara. In the near future, the community will enter the holy month of Ramadan and Eid al-Fitr, so it must be anticipated that hoarding and efforts to transport it to other areas can lead to a shortage of cooking oil.

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