
JAMBI - The joint SAR team used sonar to search for KM Sumber Daya, which sank due to a storm on Thursday (10/3) in the waters of Berhala, Riau Islands.

The wreckage of the ship and two crew members (ABK) has not been found yet, only one crew member has been found safe in the waters of South Sumatra.

"Based on the statement of the crew member named Aloy, who survived the shipwreck, said that their ship sank in the waters of Berhala after being hit by a storm at night, so based on witness testimony, a search was carried out using sonar," said Head of the Jambi Basarnas Abdul Malik quoted by Antara, Wednesday, 16 March.

Basarnas has coordinated with Ditpolair to deploy sonar equipment to detect the ship where the search for KM Sumber Daya has entered its sixth day but there is no sign of the location of the wreckage.

The joint SAR team has yet to find any sign of the KM Sumber Daya ship, which lost contact with suspected bad weather in the waters of Berhala Island, and the team has also obtained information from one of the surviving crew members, Aloy.

Witness Aloy said the ship was carrying or loaded with 62 tons of coconuts. At the time of the incident the ship entered the water in the engine room and then the water filled the engine room and the ship could no longer be moved.

"Finally the ship sank and they got out of the ship but Aloy did not know for sure the whereabouts of his two colleagues," said Abdul Malik.

The joint team's search using sonar to detect the ship is still ongoing.

In addition to the unpredictable weather, the high sea waves make it a little difficult to search. In addition, there are no signs of cargo or goods on the KM Sumber Daya ship floating on the sea surface, including the ship's oil spill.

"The obstacle we face is that the bright spot from the sea surface does not contain any materials from the resource ship," said Abdul Malik.

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