
JAKARTA - The National Police will investigate the viral video of a middle-aged man who claims to be a priest named Saifuddin Ibrahim. This man asked the Minister of Religion (Menag) Yaqut Cholil Qoumas to delete 300 verses of the Qur'an. Initial deepening leads to the content of the content.

"The National Police, in particular the Dit Cyber Bareskrim, will explore the contents of the video," said Head of the Public Relations Division of the National Police Inspector General Dedi Prasetyo when confirmed, Wednesday, March 16.

In the video, Saifuddin Ibrahim asked the Minister of Religion to delete 300 verses of the Qur'an. The reason is that these verses are considered the cause of radicalism.

The controversial statement began when Saifuddin Ibrahim supported the Minister of Religion's decision regarding the regulation on the volume of the call to prayer.

"I have repeatedly told the minister of religion, and this is the minister of religion who I think has high tolerance and peace towards minorities," said Syaifuddin Ibrahim.

In addition to supporting, Saifuddin Ibrahim also suggested that the Minister of Religion evaluate the curriculum of Islamic-based schools to Islamic boarding schools. Because the curriculum is a source of chaos.

"Also regulate the curriculum in madrasas, to tertiary institutions. Because the source of the chaos is from an incorrect curriculum. Even the curriculum in Islamic boarding schools should not be afraid to be overhauled, sir," said Saifuddin.

"Because pesantren can give birth to radicals. Like me, I used to be radical. I have taught at Islamic boarding schools, so I understand, sir," he continued.

In fact, to prevent people from escaping radicalism, Syaifuddin advised the Minister of Religion to delete 300 verses from the Koran.

"If necessary, sir, the 300 verses of the Koran that trigger his intolerance or radicalism are removed, sir. Because it is very dangerous," said Saifuddin.

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