
JAKARTA - Mbah Samroh (70), will not forget the momentum of the arrival of the Governor of Central Java Ganjar Pranowo at his home in Purworejo Village, Bonang District, Demak several years ago. Because, at that time his house was submerged in tidal water up to his knees.

Feelings of happiness, panic and reluctance were mixed because the condition of the house at that time was not suitable for receiving guests. The problem that comes is the number one person in Central Java.

But that day, became a turning point for Mbah Samroh's life.

Yes, now his house is no longer getting tidal water in the high tide season thanks to Ganjar's help.

"I've lived here for about 25 years, and when there is a flood, the water enters the house up to knee-deep," said Mbah Samroh, when met at her house, Wednesday, March 16.

He lives with his children, grandchildren and mother who is almost 90 years old. Working as a fish drying worker, Mbah Samroh has resigned himself to the condition of his house being damaged by the rob.

"It's not only water that enters, but once there was a snake that entered the house. I don't think I can renovate the house because I only work drying fish,” he said.

Well, after Ganjar's visit to his house to provide assistance, now his house is no longer submerged in tidal water.

"I bought the backfill to help raise the floor. Now it's no longer flooded," he added.

For Mbah Samroh, the momentum of Ganjar's arrival was unforgettable.

"After Pak Ganjar came here, I cried all day," he said.

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