
JAKARTA - Central Java Governor Ganjar Pranowo asked the public and businessmen not to be afraid to pay taxes.

This was conveyed by Ganjar while attending the socialization of Law Number 7 of 2021, regarding the harmonization of tax regulations.

Ganjar assesses the socialization of harmonization of tax regulations is very important, because there are many new things that must be known by the public. One of them is the voluntary disclosure program (PPS), which he considers to be similar to a tax amnesty.

So that people can follow up their property that has not been reported tax. According to him, a number of these programs are one of the government's efforts to build public awareness in paying taxes.

"Don't be afraid to pay taxes," said Ganjar in his statement, Wednesday, March 16.

The Head of Service Extension and Public Relations of the Central Java 1 DJP Regional Office, Mahartono, said the purpose of this socialization was to make the public more aware of Law Number 7 of 2021 regarding the voluntary disclosure program.

The voluntary disclosure program or PPS will be held from January 1 to June 30, 2022, so that people can immediately report their assets that have not been included in the annual tax return.

If it exceeds the specified limit and it is found that there are assets that have not been reported, it will be taxed at the normal rate.

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