
BANJARMASIN - The Tanah Bumbu Police, South Kalimantan Regional Police, managed to dismantle a warehouse for storing illegal Crude Palm Oil (CPO) in the midst of a turmoil of rare cooking oil in the market. The Satreskrim Polres Tanah Bumbu is still investigating," said the Head of Public Relations of the South Kalimantan Police, Kombes Pol. Mochamad Rifa'i in Banjarmasin, Wednesday, March 16. In addition to the shelter on Jalan Pangkalan Tanah Merah Jalan Raya Batulicin, the police also raided six containers containing tens of tons of CPO that was in the area. at the Samudra Batulicin Port. "All locations have been given a police line so that no one is allowed to touch the law enforcement status by investigators," explained Rifa'i, quoted by Antara.

The swift action of the Tanah Bumbu Resort Police was also appreciated by the South Kalimantan Police Chief Inspector General Pol Rikwanto. According to Rifa'i, the leadership gives special attention so that the cases handled can be thoroughly investigated so that the brains of the criminal acts are caught by law according to the rules. We ensure the availability of cooking oil for the community, including preventing violations from producers who try to play games to export CPO and its derivatives secretly," he said. immediately followed up by the police. The Head of the Tanah Bumbu Police AKBP Tri Hambodo ordered the Head of Criminal Investigation Unit AKP Wahyudi to move quickly to conduct a search and now all evidence was confiscated and the parties involved were examined in depth. On the other hand, the Tanah Bumbu Police also held a cheap cooking oil market for the public . A total of 3,240 liters of 1 liter packaged cooking oil for Rp. 14,000 were sold so that people could get these basic needs according to the highest retail price (HET) set by the government. so that the availability of cooking oil can be ensured to be safe in the market," said Tri Hambodo.

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