
JAKARTA - Private R, a member of the Arhanud 11/Wira Bhuana Yudha Battalion Task Force who is on duty at Post 8 Liang SSK II of the Hazard-Prone Area Security Task Force shot a fellow soldier and a member of Brimob. The sad news is that the Brimob member finally died.

Head of Information for Kodam XVI/Pattimura, Colonel ARH Adi Prayogo Choirul Fajar, explained that the shooting that occurred in Liang Village, Teon Nila Serua (TNS) District, Central Maluku Regency, Wednesday morning was reportedly triggered by a severe depression that occurred in Pratu R.

"The perpetrators of the shooting against fellow TNI personnel and members of Brimob were suffering from severe depression, but the cause is being investigated," said Fajar, in Ambon, Maluku, Wednesday, March 16, quoted from Antara.

The incident occurred around 00.00 WIT in Liang Village. The victims were Private Two Raju (a personnel of Battalion Arhanud 11/WBY who served at the Liang Task Force Post, TNS District, Central Maluku Regency) and a member of Battalion B Pioneer of the Maluku Police Mobile Brigade Unit, Bharangkara Chief Fery Andriana, were shot.

"The two victims were rushed to Masohi Hospital for treatment. However, information obtained by Brimob personnel died from their injuries," said Fajar.

Pratu R has now been detained at the Sub Denpom Masohi for examination, including his mental condition. Even though he said he was depressed, the TNI would investigate further.

"I will inform you about the progress later. In principle, this case will be processed according to the applicable legal provisions," he said.

The Commander of Kodam XVI/Pattimura, TNI Major General Richard Tampubolon, has coordinated directly with the Maluku Regional Police Chief, Inspector General of Police Lotharia Latif, in addition to apologizing institutionally, including to the victim's family and coordinating the settlement and follow-up of the incident.

Fajar also appealed to all soldiers and police there to remain about and not be provoked by the criminal incident.

Chronology of shooting events

The shooting incident began at around 21.00 WIT, when R spoke with his leader, the Commander of the Task Force Post in Liang Village, Second Lieutenant ARH Firlanang, on the terrace of the Liang Territorial Task Force Post, about the condition of R's parents who were sick. R then asked for permission to return to Jambi to visit his parents.

Then at around 22.00 WIT, Firlanang entered the post to rest, while R went to his room to take the SS1 bayonet. He then headed for the rifle arsenal of the Liang Territorial Task Force Post with the intention of taking the postal inventory weapons. R then dismantled the armory with his bayonet, then took an SS2P2 type weapon and a munitions magazine.

At around 23.00 WIT, R went to Firlanang's room which is adjacent to the armory and fired one shot at his commander, but it didn't hit him.

After that, R left the post through the front door with a gun, and while outside the task force post he shot his friend, Raju, who had just come out of the post, hitting the right chest.

After launching his action at around 00.00 WIT, R fled to the village of Liang. Coincidentally, he saw Fery Andriana passing by on his motorbike.

Pratu R then stopped the victim and asked to be picked up. Unfortunately, when they arrived at the bridge in Liang Village, R asked the Brimob personnel to stop and the two of them got off the motorbike.

When Fery Andriana got off his motorbike, R immediately fired two shots at the policeman, hitting the lower left side of his chest.

After shooting Fery Andriana, Pratu R then threw away the weapon used and fled from the scene using a motorbike belonging to Bhayangkara Chief Fery and hid in the house of a resident.

R was then picked up by the Elpaputih Police Chief, First Police Inspector Rustam, along with Elpaputih Police personnel at around 03.00 WIT and then handed over to the Waipia Koramil Headquarters along with evidence in the form of a long-barreled weapon type SS2 P2 serial number CA.CT 014973, one bullet magazine and seven 5.56 mm caliber bullets.

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