
JAKARTA - It is reported that the Gerindra Party will rotate the position of Deputy Chairperson of the DKI Jakarta DPRD. Currently, this position is held by Mohamad Taufik.

According to information received by VOI, the Gerindra Party DPP has issued a proposal letter to the Chairman of the DKI DPRD Prasetyo Edi Marsudi regarding the removal of Taufik as Deputy Chair of the DKI DPRD, to be replaced by other members of his faction.

Responding to this, the Chair of the Gerindra faction of the DKI DPRD, Rani Mauliani, admitted that she was not aware of the letter addressed to the leadership of the DPRD.

"I haven't received any orders or letters regarding this matter. Just check with the faction staff, there's definitely no letter yet," Rani said in a short message, Wednesday, March 16.

Rani emphasized that the Gerindra Party faction of the DKI DPRD always coordinates with its DPP. However, the DPP has the authority to take care of the party structure.

"The name is one command, everything we communicate is one line DPP-DPD-DPRD. Want structural matters, the condition of the community situation such as cooking oil and others. But that's an internal right," said Rani.

As is known, Taufik served as Deputy Chairman of the DKI DPRD for the 2014-2019 and 2019-2024 periods. In the party structure, Taufik has served as Chairman of the Advisory Board of the DKI Jakarta Gerindra Party DPD since April 2020.

During the 2017 DKI Pilkada, Gerindra brought Anies Baswedan and Sandiaga Uno up to be elected as Governor and Deputy Governor of DKI Jakarta. Now, the position of Deputy Governor of DKI is held by Ahmad Riza Patria who also serves as Chair of the DPD Gerindra DKI.

Recently, Taufik has echoed his political stance for the upcoming 2024 General Election. Taufik once admitted that he supported the former Mayor of South Tangerang, Airin Rachmi Diany, who was a Golkar cadre as a candidate for the Jakarta Governor Cagub.

Taufik also had time to pray for Anies Baswedan to become President of the Republic of Indonesia during the inauguration ceremony of the Regional Council for the Alumni Corps of the Islamic Student Association (KAHMI) Jaya for the 2022-2027 period at the Aryaduta Hotel, Central Jakarta.

Taufik's statement surprised a number of parties. This is because Gerindra has stated that it will again carry Prabowo Subianto to run in the 2024 Presidential Election.

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