
SERANG – A resident in Cipancur Village, Baros, Serang Regency, was determined to crash his motorbike into one of the thieves who was in action at SMPN 13 Serang City. As a result of these actions, one thief was caught by residents.

Serang City Police Chief AKBP Maruli Achilles Hutapea confirmed the incident. Maruli said the arrest took place in Cipancur Village, Baros, Serang Regency, Tuesday, March 15, at 10.00 WIB.

Maruli explained that the incident began when the witness, EN, suspected that two men had entered SMPN 13 Serang City. At that time, continued Maruli, two perpetrators were seen pacing the school. Residents have seen it from a distance, but have not acted.

"These two people entered with one motorbike, (went out) using two motorbikes," said Maruli.

EN, who felt suspicious, immediately stepped on the gas and crashed his personal motorbike into one of the perpetrators who was carrying a motorbike. As a result, one perpetrator with the initials ES fell and the residents immediately judged him.

"The witness hit the suspect's motorbike and it fell. Then shouted the thief, so that the residents came and ganged up on the perpetrator," explained Maruli.

Luckily, the beating was stopped after police officers arrived at the crime scene (TKP).

From the hands of the perpetrators, the police secured evidence of a motorbike, a dagger, two keys and a Letter T key.

ES was charged with Article 363 of the Criminal Code regarding the crime of theft with a weighted penalty of 7 years in prison. Meanwhile, one of ES's friends managed to escape and the police gave chase.

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