
MEDAN - The provincial road connecting Siborongborong District to Sipahutar District, precisely in Urat Ni Huta Hamlet, Huta Bulu Village, Siborongborong District, North Tapanuli Regency, North Sumatra was buried by landslide material.

"The cause of the disconnection between the two sub-districts was due to the rain that hit several areas of North Tapanuli Regency," said North Tapanuli Police Chief AKBP Ronal Sipayung, through Public Relations Aiptu W. Baringbing, quoted by Antara, Tuesday, March 15.

Baringbing said the landslide is expected to occur on Tuesday (15/3) early morning.

"Until now, the road cannot be passed by two-wheeled and four-wheeled vehicles," he said.

According to him, the mountain cliff beside the road experienced a landslide and filled the entire road.

The length of the road covered by the mountain landslide is estimated to be up to 30 meters and the ground height is one meter and half a meter.

"Currently, heavy equipment from the UPT Bina Marga of North Sumatra Province is still working in the field to clean up landslide material at the site," he said.

Currently, the road conditions have begun to be traversed by vehicles in one direction, and the system opens and closes. A number of personnel from the North Tapanuli Police and the Siborongborong Police are still on guard at the location to regulate the smooth flow of traffic.

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