
SUKABUMI - The Regional Leadership Communication Forum (Forkopimda) of Sukabumi City held a surprise inspection (sidak) to a number of cooking oil storage warehouses to ensure their availability and supply ahead of the month of Ramadan.

"This inspection is carried out as a form of supervision as well as checking the condition of cooking oil supplies available in warehouses owned by distributors and supermarkets in the Citamiang sub-district," said Sukabumi City Police Chief AKBP SY Zainal Abidin in Sukabumi, Antara, Tuesday, March 15.

According to Zainal, the inspection carried out by his party was related to the issue of scarcity and hoarding of cooking oil that occurred in various areas, especially Sukabumi City.

At the location, his party immediately checked the availability of cooking oil and ensured supply for the community. From the results of the inspection, it turned out that the availability of cooking oil was sufficient.

However, residents panicked and consumed the issue of rare cooking oil. Therefore, the public needs to be wise in responding to this issue and do not need to panic let alone take wholesale action.

In addition, residents are also advised not to panic buying because of the impact because it can disrupt the conduciveness plus the supplies are running low and even lead to scarcity.

"We have checked a number of distributors' warehouses and supermarkets and the results are no hoarding. It is said to be hoarding if the inventory in the warehouse is above three times the existing stock capacity according to applicable regulations," he added.

Meanwhile, Mayor of Sukabumi Achmad Fahmi said, facing this Ramadan, the Sukabumi City Government together with local Forkompimda elements are trying to maintain the availability of basic community needs, especially cooking oil, which is currently an issue of scarcity.

But the most important thing is the attitude of the community in receiving information and not panicking, let alone doing wholesale actions that can lead to scarcity, the impact of which will increase prices.

From the results of the inspection of cooking oil supplies at CV Kota Baru on Jalan Pelabuhan II, Cikondang Village and the Ramayana Supermarket on Jalan Tipar Gede, Tipar Village, Citamiang District, the need for oil for residents of Sukabumi City is 29 thousand liters/week.

"Sufficient supplies, it's just that the amount is not normal due to delays in delivery from the center or producers," he said.

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