
PAPUA - The Papuan Police will send two platoons of Brimob to assist the Yahukimo Police in handling security and security after the anarchic action carried out by demonstrators in Dekai, Yahukimo Regency, Papua, on Tuesday, March 15.

The two Brimob platoons will be flown to Dekai tomorrow with several Papuan Police officials including the Papuan Police's Propam Head, Kombes Sanches Napitupulu.

The Papuan Police Chief, Inspector General Mathius Fakhiri, said the sending of Brimob members was to strengthen the existing personnel.

As is known, the demonstration against the division of government territory that led to anarchy led members of the Yahukimo Police to take firm action following the vandalism and burning of shop houses near the Yahukimo District Communications and Information Office.

It is suspected that there was an anarchist action that provoked it. However, according to the Kapolda, whether the provocateurs were the KNPB group or not is still being investigated. His party will also explore the actions of members of the Yahukimo Police, whether they are in accordance with the fixed handling procedures or not.

"Everything will be investigated by the Papua Police Propam," said Fakhiri.

There are five victims in this case. In detail, two people died, two people were injured from gunshot wounds while the rest, members of the Police were injured.

"Two residents were reported dead, namely Yakob Dell (30) and Erson Weibsa (20), two people with gunshot wounds, namely Itos Itlay and Lucky Kobak, and a member of the Yahukimo Police, were reported injured, namely Brigadier Muhammad Aldi," he said.

Up to now, there has been no complete report regarding the arson action because it occurred in several locations.

"Members are still collecting data regarding the burnings carried out by the protesters," he said.

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