
JAKARTA - The National Counterterrorism Agency (BNPT) held a gathering at the Tebuireng Islamic Boarding School in Jombang to strengthen ukhuwah (brotherhood) and synergize with the ulama to counteract radical notions of terrorism in the name of Islam. "Wasathiyah Islam, which of course is a very good model for our religious nation; and also this Islamic boarding school cannot be separated from the great name of our great scholar KH Hasyim Asy'ari and his dzurriyah," said the Head of BNPT Komjen Pol. Boy Rafli Amar in a press release received in Jakarta, Tuesday, March 15. This was said by Boy Rafli Amar in a series of BNPT gathering activities with the leadership of the Tebuireng Islamic Boarding School in Jombang, East Java Province. Hasyim Asy'ari to modernize Islamic values that are rahmatan lil alamin, by prioritizing the spirit of ukhuwah among the nation's children and prioritizing the principle of hubhul wathan minal faith or love of the homeland as part of faith. "We refer to KH Hasyim Asy'ari with the concept ukhuwah Islamiyah, ukhuwah wathoniyah, and instilling the principle of hubhul wathan minal faith in the community. And how to imitate his struggle, including in the context of the resolution of jihad fii sabilillah," he explained, quoted by Antara. maintain the national paradigm and realize peaceful life.

"We really hope that from this gathering, the Tebuireng Islamic Boarding School family will become the strength of the Indonesian nation, because only then will we be able to maintain our national paradigm and live side by side peacefully," said the former Deputy Head of Education and Training of the Police. On the same occasion, Boy also advised to the religious leaders and lecturers to continue to maintain and strengthen the spirit and values of brotherhood in order to enter the holy month of Ramadan. faith, also puts forward the spirit or principle of hubhul wathan minal faith," said the former Papuan police chief. According to him, it is a form of friendship that is very valuable for the Indonesian people, so that it will produce good synergies in the future. make Islam rahmatan lil alamin (grace to all nature). This is the same as the spirit of BNPT, namely how to build ukhuwah, "said the Kiai who is familiarly called Gus Ikin. able to foster unity and proper practice of religious teachings. "As the message of Hadratus Shaykh KH Hasyim Asy'ari; one, regarding ukhuwah; second, namely science as he is from this knowledge he is able to gather various kinds of groups, different groups understand into one unit," he said. After visiting the Tebuireng Islamic Boarding School, the group of the Head of BNPT continued the pilgrimage to the tomb of KH Hasyim Ash'ari, who was the founder of the Tebuireng Islamic Boarding School, KH Wachid Hasyim, the 4th President of the Republic of Indonesia KH Abdurrahman Wahid, KH Solahuddin Wahid, and the graves of the other extended family of KH Hasyim Ashari at one location of the Tebuireng Islamic Boarding School complex. in the activity was Deputy II for Enforcement and Capacity Building for BNPT Inspector General Pol. Ibnu Suhendra, Director of Enforcement, Brigadier General Pol. Muhmmad Rosidi, Bilateral Director Brigadier General Pol. Kris Erlangga, and Head of Sub-Directorate for Counter Propaganda Colonel Pas Sujatmiko.

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