
PALU - The Indonesian Teachers Association (PGRI) regrets the case of mistreatment by a student's parents against a female teacher while teaching at an elementary school (SD) in Bahodopi District, Morowali Regency on Tuesday, March 8.

The head of the PGRI of Central Sulawesi (Sulteng) Province, Syam Zaini, emphasized that the perpetrator, who is known to be the mother of one of the students, must be prosecuted to the fullest and receive appropriate punishment for his actions.

According to him, it should not be resolved through peaceful means in order to provide a deterrent effect so that no more teachers in all regions in the province of Central Sulawesi experience the same thing, either by the parents of the students or by the students themselves.

"We have to keep ourselves from committing acts of violence in the world of education to anyone, both between students, between teachers and students, students to teachers, parents of students to teachers and between teachers themselves," he said in Palu, reported by Antara. Between, March 14th.

He explained that the impact of the persecution was that the teacher suffered from scratching and bleeding, accompanied by insults and insults from the parents of students at the school. PGRI Bahodopi District and PGRI Morowali Regency continue to provide legal assistance to the teacher.

"This incident has tarnished the world of education in Central Sulawesi. Tomorrow we will go to Morowali to meet the teacher and provide reinforcement to him. From this incident, all of us, including the regional government, must be aware that teachers must be protected, especially when they do their professional work as educators. "he said.

Zaini explained that a teacher has the right to punish and sanction students if they commit a violation. Of course, the sanctions given are disciplinary sanctions that are educational in nature or educate students not to repeat similar violations, not sanctions in the form of physical violence.

"Of course, if the parents of students do not accept the sanctions given, even though the sanctions are not in the form of physical violence and the aim is to discipline their children, then talk about it carefully. Instead of coming and then directly abusing the teacher who is teaching in class witnessed by other students such as what happened in Morowali," he said.

After the incident, PGRI Bahodopi Sub-district and PGRI Morowali immediately moved to report the abuse to the Bahodopi Police with a Report Certificate Number: STPL/63.a/III/2022/Sek.Bahodopi dated March 8, 2022.

​​​​​Now the perpetrator of the abuse, who is none other than the mother of the student at the school, has been detained by the police to undergo a further examination process.

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