
KEDIRI - The East Java Natural Resources Conservation Center in Banyakan, Kediri Regency, evacuated an estuarine crocodile calf (Crocodylus porosus) from a tributary of the Brantas River that passed through Kediri City because it was close to residential areas.

"We have only secured it, it's an estuarine crocodile. Its size is approximately 50 centimeters, so it's still said to be a child. The number is one," said the Head of the Conservation Resort Region I Kediri, East Java Natural Resources Conservation Center, quoted by Antara, Monday, March 14.

He said the findings were from residents who initially saw a crocodile-like appearance. The report of the findings was then copied to the authorities and continued to the East Java Natural Resources Conservation Center.

His party immediately followed up on the information, while the crocodile was finally able to be evacuated. Because the size is still 50 centimeters, the crocodile found is still small.

David suspected that the crocodile was looking for food until it was close to the village residents.

For this reason, his party evacuated the animal to a conservation area, in order to avoid unwanted things.

"We evacuated, because we feared that something undesirable would happen. It could become a conflict with the community, and there is a high chance of being arrested and then killed," he said.

With the findings of the crocodile cub, he said, it was suspected that the Brantas River was indeed one of its habitats. This finding in Dermo Village, Kediri City is not the first, because since 2020 there have been three reports. The report was submitted to the East Java Natural Resources Conservation Center in Banyakan, Kediri Regency.

Since the 2020 report, two crocodile calves have been successfully evacuated, while the other has fled.

"If you see (the location of the finding of the crocodile chick, red) you have to admit that this is their habitat, so when people find this it is a normal event. What you need to know is the steps that must be taken," he said.

His party also continues to monitor and plan to conduct a search at the location of the findings, Dermo Village, Kediri City.

He appealed to the public to be careful especially when near the Brantas River area, because the river is indeed a crocodile habitat.

Of the two calves that have been successfully evacuated since 2020, one has been taken to a conservation agency in Malang. In that place, young crocodiles are cared for and trained to be wild. If it is deemed possible to be released into the wild, it will be carried out later.

"The other one is still at the East Java Natural Resources Conservation Center in Banyakan, because it has just been evacuated," he said.

Zainul Mustofa, a resident of Dermo Village, Kediri City, admitted that he initially saw the appearance of a wooden trunk on Friday (11/3). His position was just silent and brown.

On Saturday (12/3), he was surprised because what he initially thought was a stick turned out to be a crocodile's cub. At first, the head came out, then the whole body came to the ground, so he could confirm a cub.

"I immediately reported it to the RT, then to the Babinsa and BPBD of Kediri City. This has only been seen behind the house for the first time. This has also caused anxiety, parents are not allowed to do so," he said.

He hopes that in the future there will be no more sightings of crocodile chicks behind the house, because the distance between the river and his house is close.

He said the river behind his house is a tributary of the Brantas River. However, he did not expect that there would be a cub behind his house.

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