
JAKARTA - Former Secretary to the Minister of State-Owned Enterprises (BUMN) Said Didu assessed that the statement regarding the existence of big data containing hundreds of millions of social media citizens wanted the 2024 Election to be postponed as a form of hallucinations to the level of one's God.

The claim that there is big data, there are 110 million netizens who want the 2024 election to be postponed, was previously made by the Coordinating Minister for Maritime Affairs and Investment, Luhut Binsar Pandjaitan. Said Didu asked the public not to be deceived by falsehoods.

"That's an example of deity level behavior (hallucinations, ed), I only know a little about Big Data & Cloud Computing terms, officials and politicians are ready to deceive the public, even though Advanced Statistics, Forceasting and Dynamic Simulation have not passed and don't understand. Said Didu on his Twitter account, @msaid_didu, Monday, March 4.

Still in the same polemic, Said also briefly satirized Luhut about the big data claim. In his Twitter account, Said prayed that Indonesia would be free from the talk of liars.

"O Allah, save my country from liars," said Said Didu.

Previously, Coordinating Minister Luhut claimed to have big data on public attitudes regarding the 2024 election. He said that there were 110 million data that he absorbed stating that the people were not interested in the upcoming democratic party.

The big data contains many people who are not interested in the 2024 election because they are focused on economic recovery. The big data also claims that the people don't want a split to happen, such as the emergence of tadpoles or geeks in the 2019 election

Luhut stated that the election cost was very expensive, namely Rp. 110 trillion. In the current situation, said Luhut, the big data in his pocket said the public did not agree that the budget was spent in the midst of the economic crush due to the COVID-19 pandemic.

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