
SIGI - The Sintuwu Village Government, Palolo District, Sigi Regency hopes that the Central Sulawesi (Sulteng) Provincial Government can repair or normalize the river to anticipate further flooding.

"We hope that the Central Sulawesi Provincial Government can coordinate with the Sulawesi River Basin Center (BWSS) to repair rivers in our area," said Sintuwu Village Head, Amos T Dje in Sintuwu, Sigi Regency, Antara, Monday, March 14.

Floods accompanied by wood and mud materials, as well as landslides hit residents' settlements in Sintuwu Village on Saturday, March 12, 2022 at 17.30 WITA. The flooding that occurred was caused by damage to the water retaining embankment, as well as the declining quality of the Kana River and Katopi River watersheds.

Regarding the disaster, the Sintuwu Village Government issued an official report number 100.03/77/pemdes addressed to the Sigi Regent, that there were 85 families or 280 people affected by the natural disaster.

The Sintuwu Village Government also reported that one house was heavily damaged, 14 houses were moderately damaged and 70 houses were slightly damaged.

"Then there are three bridge units that serve as connecting access to and from Sintuwu which were heavily damaged," said Amos.

The Sintuwu Village Government also reported that from the disaster, there was one unit of intek tank and the clean water pipe network was damaged. As a result, it is difficult for residents to get clean water.

"The landslides that occurred at three points in Dusun I caused 300 meters of roads to be buried and difficult to pass," he said.

Based on the records of the Sintuwu Village Government, the same disaster also occurred in September 2021, from the same river.

So it needs intervention from the provincial government, in order to coordinate with BWSS to repair the river.

Based on field observations, the Sigi Regency Government has lowered two heavy equipment to normalize the Kana River, and opened a road that was buried by landslides.

There is a team from the Regional Disaster Management Agency (BPBD) of Sigi Regency, the TNI, Basarnas, and the Tagana of the Sigi Social Service to deal with the impact of disasters in the village.

In this regard, Central Sulawesi Governor M Ridha Saleh said that the flood and landslide disaster in Sintuwu Village, Sigi Regency had been heard by the Governor of Central Sulawesi Rusdy Mastura.

Ridha Saleh said, the Central Sulawesi Provincial Government immediately coordinated with BWSS to carry out long-term handling, namely repairing the Kana River channel.

"The Governor of Central Sulawesi Rusdy Mastura paid serious attention to this problem, he ordered the relevant agencies to immediately take short-term and long-term countermeasures. The Governor of Central Sulawesi Rusdy Mastura expressed his condolences for this natural disaster," said M Ridha Saleh.

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