
MALANG - Unfortunately, a young man named Vigih Krisdian Anggarasena (24), a resident of Malang was struck dead by lightning.

The Head of Public Relations of the Malang Police, Iptu Ahmad Taufik, said that this young man was struck by lightning while playing football at the Village Field on Sunday, March 13 afternoon.

From the information gathered, a number of witnesses said the incident occurred when a number of players were warming up.

Suddenly there was a flash of lightning followed by the sound of a thunderous storm. At the same time, the victim fell unconscious.

"After being checked by fellow colleagues there, the victim was unconscious," said Iptu Ahmad when contacted, Monday, March 14.

After the incident, residents immediately took the victim to Gondanglegi Hospital. Likewise, the police immediately came to the location.

At that time, the condition of the victim was said to be lifeless. Residents are advised not to go outside during a storm.

"There are severe burn marks on the chest to the shirt. That socks are also black," he explained.

Currently, the victim has been buried because the family refuses to receive an autopsy. The family has come to terms with this incident.

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