
JAKARTA - Prosecutors are demanding a criminal sentence against the accused former General Secretary of the Islamic Defenders Front (FPI), Munarman for 8 years in prison related to the terrorism case at the East Jakarta District Court, Monday, March 14.

Responding to this demand, Munarman's lawyer Aziz Yanuar did not take it too seriously. Azis admitted that when he heard the demands he felt normal.

"Just laugh (Munarman), it's not serious. The charge should die," said Aziz, imitating Munarman's expression during the trial, Monday, March 14.

Aziz said that his party felt that the prosecutor was not serious enough so that his party did not feel challenged.

"I think the prosecutor is not serious, so we are not challenged, we think the charge is dead," he told reporters after the trial.

He also said he was only responding to the usual things at this trial.

"That's why we take it easy because things like this are as we suspected, that they do exist, not purely from the law. Yes (thought it is a death sentence). We have to be serious, according to him," said Aziz.

Previously, Munarman was charged with three articles, namely Article 13 letter c, Article 14 Juncto Article 7, and Article 15 Juncto Article 7 of Law Number 5 of 2018 concerning Eradication of Criminal Acts of Terrorism.

The indictment against Munarman was read by the public prosecutor in the main courtroom of the East Jakarta District Court, last Wednesday, December 8, 2021.

"Munarman and his friends planned or mobilized others to threaten violence, commit terrorist crimes intentionally using violence, or threaten violence," said the Public Prosecutor when reading the indictment.

Munarman is said to have been involved in acts of terrorism because he attended a number of agendas to commit ISIS members in Makassar, South Sulawesi, Deli Serdang Regency, North Sumatra on January 24-25 and April 5, 2015.

Munarman's actions were related to the emergence of the Islamic State of Iraq and Syria (ISIS) terrorist organization in Syria around early 2014 which was declared by Sheikh Abu Bakr Al Baghdadi.

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