
JAKARTA - AAM (69) an elderly woman (elderly) from Cakung died after lining up for the Booster vaccination held by the Polda Metro Jaya in the Pulogebang area, Cakung District, East Jakarta, Saturday, March 12, yesterday.

The incident began on Saturday, March 12, yesterday. At around 08.00 WIB, the victim invited his neighbors to take part in the Precision booster vaccination organized by the Directorate of Drugs at Polda Metro Jaya.

At 09.30 WIB, the victim and his neighbors came to the location of the vaccine. The victim came and sat in the waiting chair before registering for the vaccination.

While sitting in a chair, the victim suddenly fainted and fell from the chair. Then the victim was taken to the Ananda Bekasi Hospital using an ambulance from the East Jakarta Metro Police Dokes.

Aam, the elderly who died while waiting in line for booster vaccinations in Cakung/ Photo: IST

In the ambulance, the victim was given treatment and oxygen was installed, but the victim was not conscious.

Arriving at Ananda Hospital, the victim was examined by a local doctor. But unfortunately, the victim was declared dead on the way around 10:00 WIB.

Anih, the victim's sister, said she was very saddened to hear that her sister who liked to invite local residents for booster vaccines actually died at the vaccine site.

"It was 4 o'clock when Ashar ended. Heard that he was waiting for the vaccine, he was waiting for his turn. He said he was sitting (suddenly) he fell," Anih told reporters, Sunday, March 13.

It was later discovered that the victim also had a history of gastric disease. Anih, the victim's brother, also confirmed the disease.

"All he felt was his stomach. Only yesterday (before he died) he was taken to the hospital, the doctor said he had a heart checked," he said.

But what Anih still remembers is that her sister was very excited when she was about to take the third dose of vaccination.

"I want a third vaccine. It's fate. It seems that you are really insistent on getting vaccinated," he said. Currently, the victim's body has been buried at the Kober TPU, Rawa Kuning, East Jakarta.

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