
SERANG - Banten Police Chief Inspector General of Police Prof. Dr. Rudy Heriyanto ordered investigators from the Directorate of Narcotics and the Satnarkoba Polres to act decisively against drug dealers and dealers by impoverishing the perpetrators.

This order was conveyed by the Banten Police Chief while carrying out an analysis and evaluation with the Banten Police Narcotics Director and the Pandeglang Police Chief regarding the development of the disclosure of the Pandeglang coastal drug trafficker network.

"I ask investigators not to hesitate to impoverish drug dealers and dealers with the application of the money laundering article in the Narcotics Law, this is the commitment of the Banten Police in the war on drugs," said Rudy, in a statement received by the editor, Sunday, March 13.

It is known that from the initial disclosure of the drug on Tuesday, March 8, until the development on Thursday, March 11, the Banten Police and Pandeglang Police managed to confiscate 34.3 kilograms of crystal methamphetamine and 1,600 pills of ecstasy from 7 suspects.

In addition, investigators moved quickly to confiscate 1 unit of the Kijang Inova car, 2 units of a speedboat and 1 unit of a jukung belonging to the suspect.

Investigators have applied layered articles to the network of arrested perpetrators. Not only with Article 114 and Article 112 of Law no. 35 of 2009 concerning Narcotics with a minimum penalty of 5 years and 20 years in prison, but also with Article 137 of the same Law.

"Immediately trace and confiscate the assets of the suspects originating from the drug crime," said Rudy.

"By impoverishing drug dealers and dealers as well as maximum punishment for them, we believe we can provide a deterrent and deterrent effect on this drug crime," concluded Rudy.

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